Food Trucks

Camping trips and Hollywood Bowl concerts nurtured my love of eating good food outdoors. California has beautiful weather, fresh ingredients and bold chefs.

Most people have a craving to combine all those elements at food truck events.

A few weeks ago, we discovered mobile food heaven in Palo Alto at Edgewood Eats.

We lined up at different food trucks for our entrees. Next, we claimed a patch of asphalt with our camping chairs.

Then I scarfed down this incredible Maine lobster roll from the Shack Mobile.

Maine lobster roll from Shack Mobile
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Serious Sandwich

When I need some simple and delicious, I turn to the grilled cheese sandwich.

In Lincoln, Nebraska, I tried the grilled cheese from Brother’s. American cheese melting over thick slices of white bread. This lunch warmed me up and helped me make through our first left of our Kansas-California roadtrip.
Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Now – I’m craving Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, 2.0.

My reporter buddy Suzanne tried out the Grilled Cheese Truck in Pasadena. I think I would wait 2-hours for 2 seriously good sandwiches.