Looking Back

Happy New Year! I’ve hit up several foodie adventures in my kitchen and beyond. I need to get crackin’ on those kitchen blogs – baking bread and taking on chicken pot pie.

But first…2009 has been another epic year of eating, drinking and trying new flavors.

Bacon Explosion
In 2009 – we invested in some kick-ass cooking tools: better knives, an iron skillet and one beautiful grill. Our California weather allows us grill nearly all year round. We fired up the grill for our beer-can chicken on New Year’s Eve. For the virgin run on the grill, we made the bacon explosion. The aroma from 2-pounds of bacon, chorizo and Italian sausage smelled amazing from the grill.
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My Birthday!

We celebrated my 30th Birthday at Bistro 33 in Davis.
This marked the end of my Project 365 Photo Challenge. I survived! Yah!

Bison Enchilada, originally uploaded by queenkv.

We started with a bison enchilada. I was quite surprised by the savory flavor of the ground bison meat.

Fettuccini Shiitake, originally uploaded by queenkv.

Pasta for my birthday! It’s served up with pancetta, tomatoes, cream and Parmesan. Yum!